Este Blog está dirigido a todos los alumn@s, madres, padres y profes del colegio de Yunclillos que quieran estar al día de la vida del cole. Además invitamos a todo el mundo a conocernos!!! BIENVENIDOS!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Festival!!!

And finally, The Three Wise Men in Yunclillos!!!

Here is our Mr. Scrooge, from the play " A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

Christmas Festival!

This is Infant Education representing this " Zarzuela de Belén"

Here you are some pictures about our Christmas Festival last 22nd of December. I hope you like them!

This is Raquel , the school's principal in the presentation of the show

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town

Last December Mr Santa Claus visited our school. It was fantastic and very exciting! The youngest children of school could ask for presents and made their wishes for Christmas time. And they got lots of candies! Here is a beautiful picture!

But teachers also love Santa. Hohohooooo!!!

Michelle's school

Enjoy this presentation about Hart Memorial Primary School. If you kids remember, this is Michelle's school.

Maire's school

Enjoy this presentation about St Mary's on the Hill Primary School. If you kids remember, this is Maire's school.

Yunclillos and Northern Ireland together through a Comenius Regio

Last December, between 15th and 18th December our school recieved the visit of two teachers from Northern Ireland. Maire and Michelle could visit the school facilities, share experiences with our students and show us their schools in Northern Ireland.
Our students could talk to them, make questions and have the oportunity to improve their knowledge (a little bit) about the country, education and culture.
We had a very good time with them! Thank you for your stay. We will never forget you!

Plan de desarrollo de la Competencia Digital

Aquí encontraréis de manera muy detallada qué aspectos trabajar para que vuestros alumnos, vosotros docentes, y también vosotros, madres y padres, consigamos ser digitalmente competentes.